Response to the Double Helix Board of Directors’ Rejection of the Prospectus to Revitalize KDHX

February 28, 2025. St. Louis, MO. 

To the Board of Directors of KDHX Community Media.

Thank you for taking the time to review our PROSPECTUS FOR A REVITALIZED KDHX. And while the members of the League of Volunteer Enthusiasts (LOVE) of KDHX appreciate the opportunity to present our plan, we cannot accept your rejection. To do so would be to accept the death of the radio station we love.

Today KDHX stands at a crossroads. The Board’s complete refusal to even discuss another path forward comes just a few weeks after the announcement by KDHX’s attorney in open court that the nonprofit corporation for which the Board of Directors is responsible is broke and heading for bankruptcy. 

The Board’s recent decision to purge the entire volunteer staff (other than yourselves) and the end of all live broadcasts only cements the perception that it is your model that has not worked.

We fear that you may have misread the offer we provided. While it is unfortunate that your group of governors may find that a new board and a new way of doing business represent “untenable and ill-considered strings” to our proposal, the goal was to allow you to meet your individual and collective fiduciary duties by allowing new leadership. 

In other words, please let someone else try.

The prospectus you received was a basis for discussion; it was not a formal offer, as we repeatedly state in the prospectus and expressed in communications with the Vice President of the Board. All terms, including the cash offer, were open to negotiation.

We have not misinterpreted the public records of the Board or the station – we simply see that your strategy has brought KDHX to disaster (the community has warned you repeatedly that it would) and that a re-engagement with the community and a reinvigoration of the core volunteer staff may be a feasible path forward. After all, it was this very “magical thinking” that you now ridicule that birthed KDHX and kept it going for almost three and a half decades.

Our offer of a cash infusion to stabilize KDHX’s finances was just that: a good faith offer to help KDHX in this perilous moment and to open the door to negotiations for a long-term solution. If you find this cash offer of $100,000 now (and an additional $100K after implementation of the plan) unserious, please review your current bank statement. Your lawyer claims it amounts to $7000. If you find our five-year budget projection, included with the prospectus, unworkable, please tell us how it could be improved. We based these projections on comparable community radio stations and on KDHX’s own audited statements but with one significant difference: we have reduced salary costs, which the board, in its wisdom, exploded over the last five years. 

Now that LOVE has shared our plan, we invite you to share your plan with the members of the St. Louis community who have built and sustained KDHX for over 38 years.

Meanwhile, we will continue to fight to revive and renew KDHX. It is not too late to join us.
