How to Contribute
Listeners & Broad Community
- Subscribe to LOVE of KDHX Substack, source of news and actions
- Share it through your circles of friends!
- Write to local media, the coverage matters! Publicize your views and feelings!
- Give up on the effort to restore Community Radio to our Community
- Be mean about it
- Let the fire go out!
Current DJs
Use your voice: Play protest songs, keep talking about your striking colleagues and the wrongfully dismissed DJs.
Don’t take a striking or dismissed DJs timeslot.
Get involved with the LOVE of KDHX – email loveofkdhx@gmail.com
Attend LOVE meetings – join a subcommittee
Artists & Musicians
Make and share your protest art! Use your voice to show your displeasure with KDHX management.
Sign the Musicians’ Manifesto, a statement calling for change at KDHX!
Don’t cross the picket line by participating in KDHX-sponsored events.
Please don’t sponsor KDHX events at this time. Please don’t underwrite at this time.
Sign the Declaration of Independents, a statement calling for change at KDHX! Over 250 small businesses have already signed.
Put up a protest sign.
Contributions will support the LOVE of KDHX efforts to get new leadership at KDHX, volunteer participation in leading the station, and get our DJs back on the air, and making KDHX the inclusive community radio station it really can be.